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The Simplest Power in Home Design – Minimalism

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Modern homes no longer advocate complicated and complicated home design, and the concept of minimalism is gradually deepening. The so-called minimalist interior design style was originally an art school, and then gradually extended into an architectural style and interior design style. But minimalism is not limited to art or design, it is a philosophy, values, and way of life that minimalism pursues. So what kind of artistic effect will this way of life be applied to interior design?

Minimalist interior design is not just about denying, reducing, and purifying, but simplifying complexity, removing some superfluous elements, leaving a pure and strong feeling of the space. In space, the more partitions and furnishings, the greater the constraints on life.

Minimalist interior design attaches great importance to the selection and application of various materials and tones, and the rich expressiveness of materials can be achieved through the combination of various building materials. The designer said that this design style is not suitable for the use of large areas of soft decoration or fabric, so the wall is one of the important elements to reflect the style.

Humans have a potential need for space. In order to meet people’s potential requirements for space, minimalism advocates reducing the steps of creating design and leaving enough “grey space” in the interior. The use of tough and cold straight lines strives to reflect the simple, pure, elegant and fashionable style from the visual sense

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